Know your Process

Global Standards

Easy to use

Mobile Device Support

Zebra Industrial Mobile Solutions as well as Android devices!

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Mobile device support

Track your products

Faster recall information

Small scale food processors have a daunting task.  They charged with meeting the requirements for traceability and implementing recall programs the same as the "big guys", yet they do not have the man-power resources to document everything manually, or the financial resources for complicated "Enterprise" software.  Traceall and the people at Damselfly Solutions, are the perfect solution for solving the huge problem of traceability for food processors, even those who are small in scale and big in heart!

With Traceall you get a functional, user friendly, and powerful application that accomplishes what you want- in real time without slowing down production.  It comes with full support, the opportunity for customization, and it will grow with your business (its also very likely to impress health inspectors!). Traceall doesn't include expensive annual licensing fees, clunky translations from European origins, or layered distribution with complicated sales and service divisions who know nothing about your software.  Work with the creators, get exactly what you need, for a fraction of the cost!  Potentially eligible for government funding!  I recommend without hesitation.
Gerry Taft
Gerry's Gelati
Invermere, BC